Terry & Linda Jamison
From their October newsletter:
"In Buddhism the term "hendoku iyaku" refers to the process of turning poison to medicine with faith and a positive attitude of determination. Ask yourself: what steps can I take right now to neutralize any negativity or resentments that I may be holding onto? Don't buy into the mass mind of fear and anger. It is the job of the media to perpetuate fear and a feeling of helplessness. Focusing on these emotions will only aggravate the problem, adding to your frustration. Ask spirit: what attitude will best serve me now? These issues cannot be resolved quickly, but we are confident that circumstances will improve in the coming months and years. Remember, we cannot control the actions of others, but we get to choose our reactions and responses to events. An attitude of gratitude goes a long way in bringing about change and healing. With an open heart, a deeply spiritual transformation can indeed occur."
We are all linked together so much more than we know, or may want to admit.
The secret of life comes back to love and understanding, and since that is the only thing you can take with you, that which you cultivate in your mind and heart, it's a great thing to dedicate some energy to "getting it right" this time.
Pictures can be found here.
What I love about these women, is their sense of adventure, of not sticking within a stereotype, and how they enjoy the fact that they are twins instead of resenting it. They chose to be performers, and now they do the work on earth for which they were commissioned, so to speak. In doing so, they embrace the beauty of who they are, so evident in their interviews and literature.
These fun photos speak volumes. Imagine a world where we all felt so free and brave to express our creativity! (again, not taking credit for borrowed pics):
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Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!