Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mary Jane Jokes

A former co-worker and friend in Albuquerque, Cathy, is one of the funniest persons I ever worked with. She came up in conversation with my sister tonight, as my sister has a neighbor named Mary Jane.

Cathy said she and her sister used to make up "Mary Jane" jokes as kids. Here are two of them, shared fondly here as a tribute to her imagination and contagious laughter:

(1) Mary Jane was walking down the street one day and passed a Ben Franklin Arts & Crafts store front, with a window advertisement that said, "ON SALE: Felt--3 for a $1". She just laughed and laughed, 'cause she just knew where she could get felt for free!

(2) Mary Jane was on the school yard, swinging high on the swing set. She was swinging higher and higher, and then the teacher yelled out, "Mary Jane, you stop swinging so high, or the boys will be able to see your panties!" Mary Jane just laughed and laughed, 'cause she knew she wasn't wearing any!

**Laughter is the BEST medicine!**

CHALLENGE: Anybody got any original Mary Jane jokes lingering somewhere in their imaginations?


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Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!