Friday, December 12, 2008

More Mary Jane Jokes

Found these on the web, SOOO FUNNY!

"Mary Jane jokes" are considered jokes that are "slightly twisted, very often risqué, they are timeless classics!" They were started when it was not nice to tell "dirty" jokes in front of ladies, and they have sly innuendos, so they could be told in front of children due to their hidden meanings.

Also, I was mistaken about an earlier post. My friend Cathy and her sister did make up Mary Jane jokes, I just seem to have remembered two of the ones she told that were not her originals. It is okay, though, because all of the jokes she told were funny, so her originals were just as good as these timeless ones:

Mary Jane was on the hilly streets of San Francisco when she saw a baby carriage rolling fast towards a busy intersection with the mother screaming, chasing the carriage.
And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew there was a stop sign at the bottom of that hill!

Mary Jane was walking through the forest, and a squirrel ran up her skirt.
And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew there weren't any nuts up there.

Mary Jane was walking on the beach one day and saw a shark swimming around a man. The man was screaming, "Help me! Help me!"
And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew the shark was never going to help that man!

Mary Jane was walking down the street when a man pulled her into a dark alley and started ripping off all her clothes.
And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew her clothes wouldn't fit him.

Mary Jane's daddy caught her reading a dirty book one night in her bed. Her daddy took the book from her, threw it across the room and gave Mary Jane a spankin'.
Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew what page she was on.

Mary Jane went to the doctor. The doctor told Mary Jane she was pregnant. He said, "Mary Jane, you're going to have twins."
Mary Jane, laughed and laughed because she knew she had only did it once.

Mary Jane pushed her brother into the pool. Her mother said, "You know your brother can't swim!"
And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew there wasn't any water in that pool.

Mary Jane was driving on a mountain road and drove off the side.
And Mary Jane just laughed and laughed because she knew that car did not have air brakes.

Mary Jane was asleep in bed one night. A strange man came into her room, took off his clothes, and got in bed with her.
And Mary Jane just laughed and laughed, because she knew she had the only pillow.


  1. Mary jane burned down the family's barn one day and her mother said, mary jane, wait til your daddy gets home and sees this! and mary jane laughed and laughed, cuz' she knew her father was in that barn

  2. Mary Jane's mother told her to go to the store and buy fly paper.
    Mary Jane laughed and laughed.
    She knew flies don't wipe.

  3. Mary Jane was walking thou a cow paster one day &saw a fly
    sitting on a cow pattey Mary Jane just laughed and laughed ' cuz she new he could not eat all of that by him self .LOL


Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!