Saturday, January 17, 2009

Feeding the Birdies

Sure, it's easier to just put birdseed into a bird feeder or just put out a bowl, but then Christopher wouldn't get to put his hands into the pan and feel all the seed all around his growing fingers. He's very tactile, so projects like this have extra benefits. Any tactile play is really good for him.

So we found two large pine cones and covered them with peanutbutter. Then, I gave the pine cones to him to cover in birdseed.He did a great job!

They are significantly heavier when loaded with peanut butter and seeds, surprisingly so.

He picked the branches, we hung them up, now we wait. We don't have any of the critter cams yet, or a very powerful camera, so we may not get any good pictures of the birdies, but I can tell you there are some really strikingly beautiful cardinals that love to feast around here. They were on the back deck this morning trying to grab some of the peanuts we have out for the squirrels.

UPDATE: We also put peanuts out for the squirrels, but seems the birds really dig the peanuts! Sorry, squirrels. There's a squirrel literally hanging upside down on the side of the huge oak tree (this tree is at least 4 feet in diameter, maybe more!) just lingering and he is not even trying to approach the deck. Maybe he's afraid of the birds, hmmm. Seems also the blue jays are the dominant birds. Some smaller ones came by and some cardinals, but then 4 or 5 blue jays keep swarming down and the others all went away.

We hope this humungous oak tree stays standing strong while we're living truly is huge!

Now: peanuts are almost gone, that was quick! birdseed it is...

This one seems to be a woodpecker:

one of several lucky bluejays:

not sure what kind this is:

check out the robin:

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Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!