Monday, December 28, 2009

Thanks for the White Christmas 2009!

Merry Christmas!
perfect time for a snow storm the weekend before Christmas...

with a little assistance, Chris made an awesome snowman

and some snow angels

even Maya was loving the change in weather
this was before all the snow finished falling
we ended up with about 8 or 9 inches of snow by Sun morning

fortunately, Santa was able to find his way to our new digs
in case you were wondering, Chris was Very Concerned that Santa wasn't going to find him in time

Christmas Eve and morning, a lot of fun and good memories for our family
...Christmas from the perspective of a 6-yr older...
nothing like it!

and in the had to happen
Adios, Mr. Snowman
thanks for the memories...

and last, but not least
Mike's #46 Birthday Cake
which was made a couple of days late, because he was too sick to enjoy it "on time"
here's to many more!

check out the edible snowflakes on top
thanks, Holly, they are an interesting and fun topping

and now, to prepare for the new year
and a better one it WILL be, for us and for everyone we know
Surely, this is the Truth!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mom!

In loving memory of Mom, who would have been 66 today. I miss and love you lots...