Perhaps it happens more than we notice, but a Serendipitous Day is just a fun day, no matter how you look at it. It happened mostly around me, but I was glad to get to be a witness to the fun.
Here we go:
Last night I was flipping through a book about the Amish community, and came across a picture of a group of folks who were watching the filming of the movie "Witness" -- in a town called "Intercourse, PA". I just thought it amusing to see all the folks, a combination of Amish and non-Amish, looking on in a town with such an unusual name. Particularly since the Amish are known for their simple living, a contradiction to the name of the town. I turned to show the picture to Mike, and read the description to him. He was putting away his cell phone, plugging it in before we went to sleep, when he noticed he had received a message from a friend who had just visited us on Sunday from San Diego, CA. Ira was now in Pennsylvania and had sent Mike a picture message -- with the town sign of "Intercourse, PA" and "Intercourse Community Park". How Funny and what odd timing. In all these years, I don't think I ever noticed there was a town called Intercourse, and yet here it appeared 2x, from 2 separate sources, in less than a minute apart.
In the morning, Mike woke up to tell me that he had just had "really weird dreams last night." He said he dreamed about The Beatles, except Paul McCartney was the only one missing. They were all just jamming to music. He rarely tells me about his dreams, as he says he usually doesn't remember them in the morning. Mike was headed to Waldorf for a class he currently teaches. After that, he headed to the Leonardtown HS to hopefully pickup books for a home teaching student. When he arrived at the counselor's office...he found her walls covered with posters of The Beatles!
Mike and Chris went home before me, and I stopped by the grocery store to get something for dinner and a few other items. He asked me to get something to go in the oven, preferably a pizza or two. The store I was in had limited options, so I picked up a DiGiornio, as well as two other smaller pizzas, labeled "Mystic Pizza". My cousin at the checkout line mentioned the movie by Julia Roberts called "Mystic Pizza", but I don't remember ever seeing it. It's a movie from the early 80's. Well, while we were sitting down enjoying the first pizza, Mike also mentioned the movie and insisted that I've seen it before. Despite how I can't always remember the names of movies I have seen, that one did not sound familiar. So, he did a search on the cable system, and found that the movie was playing AT the Moment we were discussing it, it had just started about 15 minutes before.
When I put the first and second pizzas in the oven, I had asked Mike to set his timer on his phone. His phone allows him to choose various ring tones, so he chose the lyrics from Prince's song "1999" as the alarm. Well, on Jeopardy, there was a category for interesting or odd Prime numbers...where the answer to one of the questions was the same selection of lyrics that Mike had chosen for the alarm, just a mere 10 or so minutes prior to the viewing of Jeopardy.
Now, I'd have to say that this has been one heck of a Serendipitous Day, if I ever saw one!
Too cool!