Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow in southern Virginia, finally!

Yes, we knew that this new location would be wetter and warmer, and less snow than we've enjoyed in years past. However, the weather folks kept teasing us since November last year with "it's gonna snow tonight"...and then nothing! After the first dozen times, it lost its appeal and humor.

And then sometime between 3 am and 6 am, we actually got about 2 inches of snow! The boys LOVE it, as does Maya!

Throwing a snowball at his buddy, Quintin.
Trying to make a snowman, but the snow isn't rolling into big enough balls.

This is her favorite type of weather. Cold and comfortable. She's checking for the squirrels that she usually gets to chase off the deck. None here today.

1 comment:

  1. Snow !!!!! Ours is pretty much gone, but I can deal with that too. I really wasn't looking forward to a WET spring thaw. Glad Chris got to enjoy it and it didn't come while he was out sick!! That would have been a bummer.


Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!