Thursday, April 23, 2009

Home stretch

trying to hold on to survive the home stretch

some days are better, sometimes it's more hour-to-hour
moving, consolidating, going thru old's enough to bring out the CRAZY in a person
this, I know, is true

the good thing...all 12 or so boxes of paperwork -- you know the ones, old bills, old CYA paperwork from jobs, cards, letters, certificates, and who the hell knows how other things got stuck in there -- are now down to about 2
about 12 lg boxes/bins of fabric have all been moved to new homes
miscellaneous stuff has also been dispersed throughout the region
sources of offloading: freecycle in NM, 2 large yard sales, thrift store pickup, 3 carloads of thrift store dropoffs, and more, hundreds of pounds of stuff to the trash, including 16 lg bags in the past few days (mostly the paperwork stuff)
where did all this stuff come from!!!!
and what we have left "still" feels like it's too much

thus, bordering on the dangerous ledge of being reasonable and trying not to be defensive when comments are offered, no matter however well-intended they may have been when once in thought form

and to not forget to do things, like get the mail forwarded, oil in car changed, pickup birthday presents, pay the electric bill, blah, blah, blah

trying to keep our son entertained and distracted and not frustrated
trying not to burst into tears at the stupidest of things

and that is how it is. if you believe in higher powers, send some positive thoughts and prayers this way. if ever we needed them, today and these next few days are the ones calling the loudest.

the home stretch


  1. Congratulations on the sorting / downsizing / decluttering / simplifying / releasing of all that wonderful stuff. It's amazing how attached we can get to the 'things' we've kept in a box that haven't seen the light of day in years. It can be amazingly difficult. Although I did find it got easier after several hours of sorting, and coming across yet another oh-so-precious something-or-other, I'd just want to be done and get rid of it all...almost. :)

  2. Sending lots of good juju...
    Winston Churchill: When you're going through hell, KEEP GOING. Luv, D

  3. Thanks, Denise and Tammy!
    It's been a journey, that's for sure! There were times when I would think of people that had a hurricane twirl their house, and think that they just started what would happen if we just let it all go and started over. We got so much sorted and gave away thousands of dollars and hundreds and hundreds of pounds of things, and yet it still feels like so much remains. At this point, we are taking it one day at a time. take care and have a great day!
    Va & Mike & Chris


Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!