Saturday, May 2, 2009

...and the temperature saga continues!

remember the atomic clock thermostat that we *thought* was dropped in the thorny bushes in Newport News? the bushes that we trimmed and cleaned up, and that everyone was poking around in to look for this thing? well, that was in Virginia
hmmmmm, very peculiar! we put the clock in the kitchen -- in New Jersey -- this morning, only to find that BOTH inside and outside temperatures were registering!

but, no thermostat! and here we just knew it was in the bushes from the front porch in VA, close to where it had been sitting on the porth since September.

where the heck is the dang thing? Mike checked the temp from my van, and this was the correct outside temp at the time this morning.

we were at the storage unit with the truck the other day, and it did not register. yet, we took it out of the truck this morning and now it does register.

so, we figure, it could be:

  • somewhere in my van

  • in a box that has been tricky about being moved around (but then, we went thru the boxes)

  • in one of the bins in our temp bedroom
  • or "maybe" it is a whole new thermostat that belongs to one of the neighbors or is on something they have outside (which brings up the question: how do you change the batteries on the remote when it dies if you don't know where it is in the first place?)
  • who the heck knows!

it's very, very peculiar! LOL!

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Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!