Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More Serendipity, Lovin' It!

A wonderful anniversary...Adoption Day!

Our little guy is quite the flirt, and he found this beauty walking around at the courthouse, waiting for her turn for her legal adoption. Before we knew it, he had grabbed her hand and wanted to walk her up and down the hallway for quite awhile. That's her mom on the left, and his attorney, Sheila, on the right. He had just learned to walk a month or so before, and was quite good at it, but he had on his new cowboy boots and had a hard time not slipping in them on the tiled floor. Otherwise, we are convinced he would have been walking with his new friend without any adult support, lol!

So, we celebrated our little guy's adoption day by taking him to the only Mexican restaurant in town, and he loved it! We do something special with him each year, and will likely make it bigger each year as he understands more and more how much he means to us and how we love having him in our family.

When we got home, Mike put on his nightly show, Jeopardy, from a recording earlier. It's celebrity week, so some of the questions are a little easier for the rest of us non-fast thinkers. Well, on this special day, we had several personal references from the answers on Jeopardy tonight, including:

Senator Diane Feinstein of California is the aunt of the judge who signed our adoption papers, Judge Feinstein! On the day of his adoption, we had commented on her relationship to the senator, and used that as our way to remember the name of the judge who helped change our lives on this monumental, ceremonial day.

under the category of "yellow" was the New Mexico flag -- where we have lived the longest with our son (4 yrs for him, 15 for us)

Neil Patrick Harris was one of the contestants, a native of NM, and he is the one who answered the flag question

We've been talking about and picking one of my favorite local flowers....the buttercup. In fact, I just gave a bunch of buttercups to both Mike and Chris about a week ago. Not only was the picture of the buttercup easily identified by Chris, but it was not correctly answered by any of the 2 contestants

Now, we don't live our lives according to what happens on Jeopardy, that would be dumb. It is rather odd and amusing, since we do watch the show every day, that on two particular days in the past month, the answers on the show are randomly and yet very closely related to something not as pertinent to the day as it was by showing up today.

It was a good day!

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Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!