So there I was, April 1st, playing a few jokes on the unsuspecting, but keeping it relatively tame. The best joke is always one that "gets" Mike, but he wasn't gonna get caught today, no way! Turns out that one of his co-workers did get him, and she told me about her plan about 3 months ago when I visited him for lunch one afternoon. It's quite funny, and so elegantly simple.
She had the receptionist give him a handwritten phone message from a "caller" that wouldn't leave a message on the phone system, but wanted him to call her back. The receptionist spelled the name wrong, which made Mike suspicious enough to do a google search on the phone number before calling the person back. Most of his callers at his job gladly leave messages. This one was from "Myro Mains" when it should have been "Myra Mains" instead. Either way, when he called me, he asked me "Why is French's Mortuary calling me at work? Who died? Do we know anyone who died?" It took all I had not to burst into laughter, because even though he had googled the number, it didn't click about the name. So, I asked him what was the person's name, and when he said it outloud, he "got" it and then had to laugh. But, did he admit that someone had gotten him? Of course not! And he didn't mention it again at work. Unfortunately for him, I saw one of his co-workers a few days later, and not knowing that he didn't talk about it with the girls there, we got on the subject of April Fool's day and how funny it was that they had gotten him in a joke. She was surprised to find out, because he had played it off so well as though he knew all along. Well, the jig was up, and now he had to go to work the next day and admit that although he didn't actually call the funeral home, he did get tripped up on the joke.
So, that was the fun on April Fool's day. As for me, I just lost $50 cash that came from a parent at the pre-school for a fundraiser. She had left the money with the teacher, and when I took it, I had it folded up in my hand until I could add it to the other monies received. Well, we buckled the little guy into his seat, then we drove towards home, only stopping by a drive-up mailbox at the main post office to drop some letters in the mail. There were two letters, and they had been sitting in the passenger seat of the van. I realized when I got home that I didn't remember putting the money anywhere, no recollection whatsoever. After searching the car, it dawned on me that I had either dropped it at his school in the parking lot, in which case someone there must have needed $50 that day, and it was my turn to fork it over to the universe. Or, I had accidentally dropped it into the mailbox with the two letters, which is where I think it went. Well, stupid me, I call the post office to inquire if "someone found $50 in the outside drop box" that night. Fortunately, the post office was closed, so no one answered my call. I'm sure that on April Fool's Day that if someone had actually found the bills in the box, they'd just have pocketed them and never said a word. Then, someone like me calling in to ask if there was loose money in the box would (1) not be believed because of the date, and (2) become the butt of the jokes for a long while. No thanks, I realized the only solution is that I understand that it was just my turn to send monies anonymously into the world. Haven't we all found money laying around at one point or another? Well, this is how it gets to those places.
As for the money, I had to take it from my own pocket to put in to the fundraiser. We raised $469 on this fundraiser from the sale of peeler cards, so $50 is a rather large percentage of the profits to just lose. Well, the rep picked up the balance of the cards on Tuesday, and I laughingly told her that the fundraiser went well, except for me losing the money on the worst day possible, where no one would believe what had happened, especially the post office workers. I wanted to purchase some extra restaurant cards at the reduced price, so we could use them in the end of year raffle in May. I think she felt bad for me, so she gave them to me for the grand cost of $5 for all 5 of them, instead of the $30 cost it could have been. Yay! Every little bit helps!
Eric Holder
13 years ago
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Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!