The language of a guinea pig! Lucky, the tri-color boy, does most of the talking. Lisa, the red one, is learning now. They are self-refrigerator trained, which means that everytime the fridge door is opened, they start their talking, or maybe it's just begging!
My favorite noise they make is a purring-like sound that Lucky makes. He started to make the sound before he was neutered, back when the world thought he was a she, but he quickly proved us wrong! So, now we'll be sitting in the evening chilling, and then we randomly hear this purring sound, like the rolling of r's on your tongue. He just struts around his play yard singing, for no particular reason.

Here is Maya waiting diligently for Chris to accidentally drop part of his dinner. She's very patient when it comes to dinner time.

Anyone thinking about getting guinea pigs? They are fun little pets, but make sure you do your research BEFORE you get them. Them, because they are meant to be in at least pairs, or in threes. And, they do better in a larger play yard. The ones you are advised to buy in the pet stores do not work, they are way too small. There are instructions for really neat housing units on if you look.
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Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!