Sunday, November 30, 2008

Time for Healing!

It is a new day. Nothing will erase the painful experiences and tears and heartache from the days past, especially for those who were touched by the horrific tragedy of the Dean and Patty families in St. Mary's County.

But today is a new day. As humans, we HAVE to find ways to heal ourselves and to help those around us. We MUST find the beauty and value that others present and focus on that, build on it, make it more powerful.

Today, give someone a hug, tell them you love them, remember something fantastic and inspiring about another person, give them a call on the phone. Find the beauty in life.

If that person has advanced to the spirit world, heaven, other side of the veil, or whatever it is you call where your spirit goes when our bodies die in this world, then say a prayer for them, tell them you love them, light a candle, have a moment of quiet.

For all these things, and MUCH more, you will be a better person. Helping yourself, your families, your friends, and then the world one person at a time -- THIS is how the world heals.

Starting today.

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Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!