Monday, July 14, 2008

Moving right along....

Movers arrive tomorrow....oh, that's right, that's in about 9 hours!! ODG! We're really moving right along, but the question is, Are We Ready? Hell No! Close, but not done.

More done than in other moves, so perhaps there's some credit issued for that much.

I think this all sounds so stupid, perhaps it's from sleep deprivation. And then more anticipated sleep deprivation.

So, there's no time for blogging, no time for playing. I don't even know what's been happening on the news for at least a week, local or otherwise. All I know is there are some "dismal swamp fires" in southern Virginia/upper North Carolina, which are partially underground fires. How can here be a fire underground, don't you need to have AIR to have a fire?! Here's more info on it Dismal Swamp Fire.

So, the MOVE: First of all, oh thank goodness for such a wonderful support network. I love you guys, and I REALLY appreciate the ear and you not laughing too hard in my face about the predictaments or dilemmas that happen when people MOVE and have to pack and clean.

Second of all, oh thank goodness for Betwen them and our friends out here, and a few things on ebay or, we have offloaded at least a ton of stuff in the past year and especially in the past 6 months and the past month. Everything that cannot be used is going, or has gone. Everything we want to upgrade has gone. No taking it for now and then we'll do it later. Nope, the TVs, canning jars, toddler Red Race Car bed (sold that one, yay!) interlocking mats, cat door, luggage racks, wooden chair set, stereo, much much more, all gone.

So, the little guy is sleeping soudly. He had a great day. Got up early with me and went shopping, as we have not much food left in the house, and we had no milk or bread for his sandwiches. Then, breakfast burritos, and back home. Friends came over to help us take a load of our junk and trash to the dump, filled over half her pickup bed, and actually forgot to load two more boxes of junk. Then, they took Chris with them to go have pizza lunch, and then hang out at their house in Corrales. Their beautiful sanctuary, where they get to have their three horses: JoJo, Chiron, and Kord (I think they are spelled right). Chris loves to feed snacks and hay to the horses and pony, and also visit with their other critters, cats and dogs. Then, hours later, he returned all happy to have had a great day.

Once home, he watched a little tv (oh thank goodness for the TV right now, or the movie player), then we connected on the web cam so Mike could tune into, as Christopher calls it, "The Christopher Show". We just got it working this week, so yes, we are behind the times, but it's working out great for him to get to see his Papa! And, good for us, also! Of course, when we hang up, he cries for awhile, sad because he doesn't understand why he can't see him, why he's not here. We have the days on the calendar marked off for when we start our Road Trip, and we talk about it a little every day. The things we need to do, such as we need to pack your clothes in your suitcase, which we did a few days ago. Or, we need to pack some of your toys and books to take with us. Or, the places we'll stop or the people we'll stop to see on the way.

He took a long long bath tonight. I let him stay longer because he was having a lot of fun with his toys, and was in no hurry to get out of the tub. So, I just sorted the closet and finished off sorting the bedroom which I started days ago but hadn't gotten back to. Sorting. Jewelry, which the movers won't take. Throwing away all the bottles of stuff under the sinks that we just haven't used for YEARS or throwing out clothes that are just too tired to even think about another move.

He was so tired from the day and relaxed from his tub he didn't even want a story read to him, which is almost a never gonna happen kind of thing. He always wants a story, even if he requests "I want one you say from your mouth not from a book, this time, Mommy".

Asleep in a matter of a couple of minutes and hasn't changed positions in hours.

So, here I go back into the kitchen to find most of the lights have been turned off. Laptop cover closed and webcam somehow plucked off and sitting on the table. His Papa told him he was the man of the house while he's gone, and that he needs to make sure all the lights are off and the doors locked before he goes to bed. He takes his job seriously, because I didn't even see him leave the room to do this chore.

Well, breaktime is over. Sanity check: tired, yes. More work to do, yes.

Kitchen: 1-2 hours. wash a few containers, such as the sugar and flour bins, so they can all go. sort thru one more cabinet to take out a few things the movers won't take. clear the table of the paperwork I've been doing, and the potholders that are almost done, check contents under the kitchen sink.

Bathrooms: ours = DONE, 2nd bath = 10 minutes to clear under the sink of the towels

Our Bedroom: 1 more hour, just to move the boxes of stuff I sorted a few days ago and put in to a box a few things the movers need to take. Everything else in that part of the house is DONE, oh thank goodness.

Living room: 1 more hour. clear counter, select some books to take, be sure there are no papers or other things sitting out that we need for this move, since I've been working on homework and moving stuff and other misc. from here. Need to also move the piggies to the office, but I'm not going to do this until Tuesday, when the movers come to get the furniture out. This way, I can get more bedding and can put them in a smaller box (laundry basket) for a few hours, and then relocate their entire setup in a room that I can lock and the little guy can't accidentally open, thus giving Maya the dog access to some quick snacks.

Office: 30 minutes. move several boxes from closet, the final boxes from when we cleared the room out 3 weeks ago. Move my clothes to this closet, and relocate any other things we are keeping with us to this room. This is the OFF LIMITS room, where the movers will get sersiously knocked out if they even look in that direction.

Laundry room: 15 minutes, only to separate out the cleaners I need to keep with me

Small storage room: done

Christopher's Room: 30 minutes, to pull out some toys that we are taking with us and don't want packed into storage

Dining Room: Done!

Pantry: Done!

Entry hallway: 1 hour. All the boxes from the office were sorted and placed here. Just need to peek into each one and make sure they are okay to go, as there are a couple boxes that need to stay with me and get shredded or they need to go with me.

Back yard: 15 minutes, to move a couple things to the front that are going.

Front yard: 15 minutes, to gather some yard things that are going, like the garden gnomes, and the special rocks and geodes, the hot air balloon wind sock, etc.

THE GARAGE: ODG!!!!! Someone please come and knock me out. Thank goodness I had a couple days to sort thru stuff a few weeks ago, and thank goodness for our friend Steve who helped me sort the finished boxes to one side so I knew what I needed to go thru on the other. I have at least 5 or 6 bins that I MUST go thru before we move, before they pack us all up and take the rest of our stuff. Really, I wish I had more time to go thru the garage in fine detail, because I really don't want to take a single piece of paper that we don't want or need. But, alas, it's come down the wire. And here I am playing. Really, trying to get a grip on what's left to do, so this has been good for me, and wanting to sit down for a minute.

So, back to my list. Hopefully I'll get to the garage to separate out the boxes I need to sort thru so I have time to do that while the packers are doing their thing. On no sleep, but that's beside the point at this point. We love sleep deprivation. (that's a joke)

Oh, and on Mon. night: clean out the fridge, which at this point is almost empty. Thank goodness for small things.

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Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!