Seems like all of life for the past two years, or more, has been about changes. MAJOR changes. Did I mention "major" changes?
All is good. I realized this past week that I have asked for everything that has come my way. Sure, some of it seems a bit extreme, and probably is/was. Some was resisted along the way, which makes it harder. But, here we are.
We said, "We want to move closer to family on the east coast."
And so, here we are. All roads point to what we asked for, and in ways we could never have imagined.
Mike got the job that paid for the move.
Didn't sell our NM house, though. Deep down, we must not have wanted to sell it. A tentacle that holds us to the southwest that we came to love so much. To our friends and acquired famillies out there.
The job was difficult and not at all as originally presented, and eventually went away.
The mother-in-law developed cancer and asked for help, then forgot she asked for help and, well, let's just say that "things did not work out" at ALL as they could a HEALTHY environment. And I'm not referring to the cancer.
But, it is what it is.
The best part: ALL of the dysfunctional parts of these past relationships are no longer EVER accepted in this space I occupy. They once were tolerated, but they are no longer. It takes more than one person to have a relationship, so either these relationships will shift to healthy places, or they will go away. I'm okay either way, because we all take our own journey in life, a journey that cannot be determined or changed by another. In all, I wish only the best for everyone.
And so the move back to my hometown. Full of lots or really wonderful things. Some things are a little more challenging. We are getting to a comfortable place, finally. Jobs are starting to peek around the corner and show up in the nick of time. That's a welcomed blessing!
More than anything, all of this has provided me clarity of who I am and helped me to see where we were, where we're going, and to realize that we did indeed ask for all that has come our way. No, I didn't say, "oh, please make this journey the most difficult ever" or ever want to deal with difficult people or hardships. However, some of the difficult relationships have now either resolved themselves by the other person(s) going their own separate ways, or by some of us realizing our relationships were shifting to a new level and by embracing those changes.
I realize this is like "speaking in code" but only because I cannot, or will not, post names or specifics that are not appropriate in this forum.
One of the best discoveries I've found lately, in my travels in St. Mary's, is the awesome public library! I've loved books forever, but this library rocks! The best part is their online library where you can download books on tape and play them at your leisure.
And this is where I found Abraham on tape! Jerry and Esther Hicks have recorded some of their books about the collective conscious entity(entities) called Abraham, and I've been listening to one of their books that is particularly interesting to me: "Ask and it is given, Part I: The Law of Attraction". The law of attraction is such a basic and simple concept, yet we all try to make it so difficult. I am a firm believer in the afterlife, and in the spirits that are there to guide us. Channels such as Esther Hicks and Jane Roberts are such fun to listen to, and offer such beautiful aides for opening your mind, heart and soul to the possibilities of life.
I am not here to tell you what you need or should do. I will help guide the children in my life and in my range, but even they must find the truth about their souls and their purposes in life. We are not here to control them or anyone else. We are not here to judge them or anyone else. There is so much awesome freedom and enjoyment when we each realize the truths in life, and when we life our lives aligned with the pure essence of "who we are".
This also makes it easier for me to step back from those who come to me in judgment...which as anyone knows, is basically human nature these days. I can stand back and see clearly and not take statements and behaviors personally, or get irritated or worse -- try to FIX everything, as I've been so well taught. It is NOT my job to fix a damn thing about anyone else. It IS my job to be a good person and to love life and be as true as possible.
So there you have it. In the midst of changes, I take responsibility for getting us here to where we are, through all the many hardships along the way the past couple of years. More importantly, I embrace the opportunities to become more clearly surrounded with truth and beauty every day. And this I do with my husband, my son, my pets, and from there, with anyone else who "gets" it and comes on board.
May you each have a blessed day!
love and peace!