Thursday, October 9, 2008

We are ALL intuitive

Perhaps we have not opened ourselves to the possibilities, perhaps we are not all open minded, but we are all intuitive.

Intuition "is apparent ability to acquire knowledge without a clear inference or the use of reason. It is 'the immediate apprehension of an object by the mind without the intervention of any reasoning process.' Intuition provides us with beliefs which we cannot necessarily justify. For this reason, it has been the subject of study in psychology, as well as a topic of interest in the supernatural."

It is a "knowing" that is as organic and natural as anything else we just know. For instance, we all "know" what it looks like when it's going to rain, what we're going to feel like if we eat certain foods that we love, or how someone is going to react by what we say to them.

More than that, we often just know things that we cannot explain. Ever called someone and they said, "oh, I was thinking about you all day" or if you do something and someone else crosses your path and needed what you have to offer, but it wasn't something that was part of your normal routine? Somehow, it worked out, somehow you knew what to do, what to say, where to go. It's all intuitive.

For me, I have known that I'm intuitive for awhile now, and I'm not ashamed to say so. There was a time when I wouldn't have admitted it in public, or wanted to discuss it, because then that means the discussion becomes about you. And, of course, how can you justify saying you are intuitive. An admission like that could invite a lot of judgment or OPB (other people's baggage) into an immediate discussion. Then there is always the part of how, since I left Down County to work in DC at 17, and then moved away altogether for over 15 years, which made me no longer fit in like when we were children--enough to make me a little apprehensive about showing my true colors around much of the family. Now, it doesn't matter what other people think. Either they accept me, or they don't. But, being intuitive is not about being me, or about how any of us fit in. It's all of us! And, anyone who is OPEN will accept the differences we all have to offer. The more open our intuitive senses, the more possibilities we have at our disposal.

When I was a teenager, I just knew a fellow high school student was having a baby boy, and that it would be "born on Tuesday, it's a boy". I remember when Patty's brother Byron came to class on Wednesday and said to me, with an incredulous look on his face, "how did you know!?" We all have those moments when we are talking or thinking about something, and we just have this feeling of knowing something. No concrete evidence, no one there to try to convince you one way or the other, just an inside feeling of it is what it is. That is an intuitive feeling.

I knew when I met my future husband. We had been dating a couple of months, and I when I was showing a friend a picture of him, I found myself telling Debbie, "This is the man I'm going to marry." I think I was as shocked as she was, as it just came out, unplanned, and not something I was consciously thinking about at the time. Nine months after our first meeting, we were married, and that was over 17 years ago. It's all good!

There have been many occasions over time, pretty much on a daily basis if I was paying attention, when things just seem to jump out with answers. Things that present themselves as the truth, things as they are.

When the Giants, went to the NFL playoffs last year, I knew they would win their division, there was no hesitation in my feelings, and I shared that with Mike, and even made a victory cake in advance. He was pretty happy. For the superbowl, I never got a definitive feeling, it was always that it could go either way. Turns out, the final score was decided in the last 2 minutes, and it could have gone either way up until the last play, and the NY Giants won!

I knew Mike would get this job in Virginia, which came his way almost as if by magic, if he wanted to have it. While I may have been a little apprehensive about driving the family alone on a 2,300 trip from NM to VA by myself, I knew that it would be okay. This is by someone who falls asleep after driving for a couple hours. Other than the first night being a late start, it was all perfectly fine, worked out great! Just as we knew it would. In fact, people kept popping up when I needed them, all along the way. Even in NM, for example, I needed to put a heavy folded up carpet in the back of my van to deliver it to a friend. I was doing this at about 6:30 am. I had been in and out of the front yard for about 45 minutes prior to this, and didn't see a single person other than those driving out to leave for work. At the exact moment I needed help, a couple walked by and the guy asked if he could help.

There is no doubt in my mind that Barack Obama will be our next president. Each time I ever have the thought of just wondering what the elections will bring, it's always the same feeling of knowing. May we find that he makes the right decisions once he is in office and for all the right reasons.

Don't you ever just "know" what to say to someone when they are happy, upset, troubled, or just need an ear. Unique problems present themselves and you get that feeling that you know just what to do, when you really had no prior experience on how to handle that particular problem or person. It just "comes to you" when you need it.

Maybe the intuitive feelings and abilities are our link to the spirit world. Maybe it comes from those on the other side who help guide us and tell us what we need to know. When Mom passed last July, my sister Juanita was in her room trying to find the items we needed for her services, or things we needed to find. Several times when she was looking around, her forearm would get, as she described it, "hot! just like if you put your arm just a few inches over a hot burner on the stovetop!" Then, she'd find the thing she was looking for in that very spot. Mom's cane kept falling out on the floor, even though it was moved several times and each time should have been secure enough not to fall. Or, maybe something else could have fallen, but nothing else ever did, only her cane.

There are other physical indicators, as well, that help you know how intuitive you really are, and it may vary per person. Personally, I have the "hand itching thing" where if I am due money, my left hand itches. If I owe money, my right hand itches. It has proven true time and time again. My sister told me about how she knows people are talking about her by how her ears itch. There is nothing wrong with her ears, but if someone is talking about her, they will itch and itch. Then stop! I started paying attention, and found it to also be true for me. It's rather strange, but true. One of my aunts said that there is a place on one of her arms that hurts whenever there is trouble, such as a death in the family. Now, when that part of her arm starts to bother her, she just knows she's getting a phone call.

If you feel you need a little assistance, you can always do the chain test. This is where you take something that has your essence branded on it, such as a necklace, a ring, or something else on the small side. Take that item and put it on a string or chain. Put your dominant elbow on a table with the chain held between the thumb and pointer finger, with the item dangling on the chain but not touching the table. Then, ask control questions, so you can see what is "yes" and "no", and experiment if you want other kinds of answers. Once you determine the direction of the swinging for your yes and no answers, you can ask it anything you want. For me, No is a swinging back and forth. Yes is a circle.

Of course, when you tell someone something that you just KNOW, because you just have the inside intuitive feeling of knowing, they may just get annoyed with you when they ask how you know, and you cannot tell them how. They are usually looking for a specific, of did you see where it was put or did someone tell you that, or did something happen to you that you never discussed before, and so on. When you can't give that kind of an answer, they may (and I have found often they do) get frustrated and will often discount your answers.

That's okay.

Because, sometimes you just know. We all do. My favorite people to be around are others who are open to how intuitive we all are. And, the truth is, the more you pay attention, the more you notice, the more open you become.

Imagine if all those around you opened themselves to the possibilities.


  1. You need to add "freak" to your profile description. Good Freak, but freak all the same. Welcome to the Freakdom!!


Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!