Friday, January 9, 2009

Animal Communicator

Recently a dear friend told me and others about an animal communicator she has worked with in the past. This woman, Cindy Carmen, put a reading on ebay as an auction, so I bid on it and won.

It was a very interesting and amazing reading, we did it over the phone last Sunday. She asked me to email her a picture of the pet I wanted to discuss with her, her name, and whether she was living or deceased. I chose Maya, our female akita. Many of the things she offered about Maya were right on target and some of the information she shared will come in handy very soon.

Part of her reading shifted from Maya to Maya's environment, and to me, which was okay with me for that session.

The part I wanted to share with all of you today are some clearing and protection exercises she gave to me, some ways to add to the protection of the energy we give out to others, and how others affect our energy and emotions back. I am very empathic, and very sensitive (I used to think this was a problem), which I've known for years, and that just means that I can really feel other people's emotions, to the point that I sometimes cannot control them, particularly when they are sad or crying emotions. She gave me these exercises below, and recommends doing at least one of them both in the mornings and in the evenings before bed. It's along the same lines as meditation, yet another form of meditation and calming the body and mind from the craziness of life.

I realize that some of you may not believe in these things, and that's okay. I do, and I want to share it here for those who also want to try any of them. Maybe only one may appeal to you, maybe none, maybe all. You never know...

* For protection and clearing of etherical cords, call upon St. Michael to use his sword to cut those cords that have been attached throughout the day.

* Imagine yourself showering with a golden or white light of God's love whenever you feel the need to cleanse. You may also do this while showering during the day.

* Place (imagine) a golden, white, or blue bubble around yourself for protection. You may also imagine yourself using a box with mirrors on the outside so that negativity reflects back to the sender and it isn't absorbed by you.

* You can also place a guard of a flower or object that has meaning to you in front of your aura field. This is a type of sentry. The flower can be as huge as you want, but should allow you to see. You can project this from the heart center.

* Say the clearing mantra: "I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, and thank-you." over and over again to the Divine. This can be said silently. Do this whenever you are dealing with or thinking about someone who is difficult, going thru changes, angry with you, etc.

* Use the Buddhist mantra: "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" for empowerment. This is pronounced, "Nam-me-o-ho-ren-gay-key-o" repeat as necessary daily out loud.

If you try any of these, I'm open to if you ever want to share your experiences, and vice versa.

Yet more steps to peaceful and fulfilled living!

If you want more information about Cindy Carmen, you can find her here!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that talking with a Pet Psychic is a surreal and truly rewarding experience. Thanks for sharing yours.


Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!