Friday, January 9, 2009

The Truth About What Is

The truth is many things. To me, it's quite simple. Life is what it is. Any fluff added to hide or manipulate things is just not necessary, and gets in the way of the simplicity of truth. On the other hand, any beauty added for sheer pleasure, well that I like. For, why would something "have" to be ugly or plain?

And so it is another year, and for me, a year dedicated to only truthful relationships. Those that don't fit for me will have to figure it out. Maybe that means that a former relationship will find a way back in, but it will only be on new terms, healthy terms.

Goodbye to all the enabling and dysfunction that somehow tried to define who I was in younger versions of myself. My hope is that it will somehow become a little contagious...imagine a family reunion where everyone was there because they wanted to be, and they didn't have any hard feelings or saved up drama for anyone else! HA! It could happen!

Yet ANOTHER advantage of being in the fo-fo club! Yay to the forties!
I just wish I had my body of 18. Which reminds me, I never did get an answer from on how she magically cured herself of thyroid disease, a disease that is incurable. From the looks of it on her website, she really stirred the pot with that (obviously false or misleading) announcement.

So here's to the year 2009, a dedication to healthy and happy and honest relationships!

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Thank you for posting! Have a super fabulous extraordinary day! I am!